This course provides a basic review of explosions in the first module, followed by a more in-depth
study of explosions involving energetic materials and fuel-air mixtures. The final module will
discuss best practices for multi-disciplinary post-blast investigations. The course is organized into
four modules, each being a 2-hour presentation, providing a total of 8 hours of continuing
Upon completion of this course, the student should demonstrate a mastery of the following
learning outcomes: 1) identify the different types of explosions, 2) describe the various effects
produced by an explosion, 3) differentiate between explosions involving energetic materials and
fuel-air mixtures, 4) describe best practices for conducting post-blast investigations.
Recommended Readings
NFPA. (2020). Chapter 22 explosions. In NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations
(2021 ed., pp. 247-270). National Fire Protection Association.
Thurman, J.T. (2019). Practical Bomb Scene Investigation (3rd ed.). CRC Press.
2022 Flyer.pdf